Unit and Lesson Plans

Name: Christina Moran

Pima Course: EDC 291



Subject: ELA Listening

Topic: Animals of the East African Savanna Habitat

Grade Level: First


60 min

List of Materials, Handouts, Rubrics, and other Documents: [List everything you will need to teach this lesson here, then insert actual examples in the Appendices below the plan] Habitat journal, characteristic cards, reading book, flip chart



Purpose: This lesson will help students understand similarities and differences between Arctic habitats and the desert habitat.



Description of Plan

Content Standard

  • Choose one AZ standard and insert it with the number.
  • Insert the previous grade level standard and consider what is the same/different before proceeding.

SL.1.1 Students will identify similarities and differences between Arctic habitats and the desert habitat.

RI.1.2 Students will identify characteristics of the grassland habitat.

W.1.2 Students will write about characteristics of the grassland habitat. 

Learning Objective

  • Choose one level of complexity from Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
  • Write a concise objective that will demonstrate mastery of the standard
  • Objective must be ONE simple sentence with ONE verb from the Lesson Planning Guide

Bloom’s Level: Applying

Objective: SWBAT [verb from Lesson Planning Guide goes here]…identify the similarities and differences between grassland and arctic habitats. 

Kid-Friendly (KF) Version: I can tell the difference between grassland and arctic habitats. 



Est # of Mins



10 min

Anticipatory Set

  • A quick "hook" to grab the student's attention
  • Activates prior knowledge of the objective
  • Requires active participation from 100% of learners
  • Students must interact with the KF OBJECTIVE (use red font & put in student column – choral reading is insufficient)

Teacher will (TW):

  1. TW have venn diagrm prepped.
  2. TW have Habitat poster 3 displayed.
  3. TW will review facts about previously learning Artic habitat
  4. TW review/teach new vocabulary (coexist, hardy, predators, prey)
  5. Review how a venn diagram works.


Students will (SW):

  1. SW turn to a shoulder buddy and say what they rember about the Artic habitit that was previously learned
  2. SW share with the teacher the facts about arctic habitats.
  3. SW think about the new vocabulary and pair share what they think the words mean.
  • SW Tell partner how this objective connects to what we learned yesterday.


Est # of Mins




  • Direct instruction portion of lesson
  • Using effective and varied strategies, the teacher provides information andvocabularystudents will need in order to grasp the new concept, strategy, or skill.
  • Check for Understanding #1 (use green font & put in student column)

Teacher will:

  1. TW tell students to listen to find out how the East Africa Savanna may be the same/or different from the Arctic and Sonoran Desert Habitats.
  2. TW will read aloud “Animals of the East African Savanna Habitat” using the flip books for illustrations
  3. Check for understanding
  4. TW ask questions: Describe the East African Savanna
  5. How is the savanna similar to the Arctic tundra?
  6. What are some of the plants that live in the savanna? How do the deep roots help these plants survive in the savanna?
  7. Check for understanding.
  8. Review the word Hardy
  9. I say you say “hardy”
  10. You learned that grasses in the savanna are hardy. What else might be considered hardy? Talk to a neighbor.
  11. Opposite or antonym of hardy is weak. Listen to the following examples, if I describe something that is hardy say “that is hardy,” if I describe something that is weak say “that is weak.”

Students will:

  1. What is a savanna?
  2. What is one thing you might see in a savanna?
  3. Check for understanding #2 Are giraffes, elephants, and zebra herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores? How do you know?
  4. Discuss other things that are hardy with neighbor.
  5. Students will listen and say if something is hardy or weak.


Est # of Mins




  • Teacher demonstrates and shows examples of what students are expected to do during Guided Practice
  • Check for Understanding #2 (use green font & put in student column)

Teacher will:

  1. Review that a food chain is a relationship of living things as food sources for other living things.
  2. Image card 8, 10 and 11 Help students create a food chain of the East African Savanna Habitat.
  3. Once created remove a card and pair share what they think will happen to the other plants and animals in the food chain.

Students will:

  1. Pair share how they think the food chain will be impacted if one of the foods is removed

Est # of Mins




Guided Practice

  • An opportunity for each student to demonstrate new learning by working through an activity or exercise with the teacher’s guidance. 
  • This is the heart of the lesson and should have the most minutes assigned to it

Teacher will:

  1. Display Habitat Poster 3 and note that it is a picture of the East African Savanna habitat.
  2. Class discussion of the grassland habitat using characteristic cards (climate, Water, Ground, Plants, Animals, Adaptations)
  3. Open journal to Savanna page
  4. I will write my own sentences and draw picture to go with.
  5. TW circulate around room to offer help or guidance.

Students will:

  1. Class will pair share characteristics of savanna habitat.
  2. Students will tell what their partner said
  3. Students will open their journals.
  4. Write one or two sentences about the savanna habitat.
  5. Draw pictures to go with their sentences.
  6. Students will share what the wrote with their tables.

Est # of Mins




  • ALL students must engage in brief closure activity to cement learning and optimize transfer. 
  • Do not introduce anything new during Closure.
  • Check for Understanding #3
  • Students must re-engage with the OBJECTIVE (use red font)

Students will:

  1. SW turn to neighbor and tell them 3 things that they learned today.
  • SW re-engage with the objective by… Tell partner how this objective connects to what we learned yesterday. What does the savanna and the desert habitat that we learned about yesterday have in common?

Show me a fist to 5 with how well you understand what we leared about the Savanna habitat.





Independent Practice

  • AFTER proper closure, it is important to provide time for additional practice. It may be group or individual work in class or it might be homework.
  • Do not introduce anything new during Independent Practice.

Students will:




Checks for Understanding (CFU)

  • From above, list the three quick, informal strategies that students will do to show understanding of the objective.
  • Identify each type of CFU (e.g., self-check, verbal check, written check).

1. What is a savanna? Verbal

    What is one thing you might see in a savanna? Verbal

2. Are giraffes, elephants, and zebra herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores? How do you know? Verbal


3. Show me a fist to 5 with how well you understand what we leared about the Savanna habitat. Visual


Assessment Options

  • Describe how you will pre- and post-test students’ understanding of the objective before & after (not during) this lesson.
  • Make the pre- and post- assessment identical or nearly identical so you are comparing apples with apples.

Pre- and Post-Assessment of Objective before/after lesson:  

Post: Students will write and draw about characteristics of the grassland habitat. 


Alternative Assessment Options for diverse learners: There are two students who need the written part of this lesson altered. This will be done by assisting them one on one with their writing. They will also see my answers displayed and can copy the information.


Differentiation Options

Describe how you will reach diverse learners who need scaffolding or extra challenge by varying the: 

  • Content – WHAT they are learning
  • Process – HOW they are learning it
  • Product – WHAT they will produce to demonstrate mastery of the objective

Content – Scaffold: This lesson fits all student’s level content wise.

Content – Challenge: This lesson fits all student’s level content wise.


Process – Scaffold: The listening lesson works really well with my students levels.

Process – Challenge: The listening lesson works really well with my students levels.


Product – Scaffold: I will assist my two students who struggle with reading and writing by reading the questions out loud and allowing them to copy my answer and give me oral answers to the questions.

Product – Challenge: Students can add more details to their habitat journal

21st Century Learning

Describe how you will incorporate technology and the 4 Cs: 

  • Critical Thinking
  • Creativity
  • Collaboration
  • Communication

Note: Not all lessons need to incorporate all of these items. Also, collaboration & communication are not synonymous.  

Technology: use of overhead


Critical Thinking:




Collaboration: table shares, partner talks


Communication: sharing thoughts with class




Name: Christina Moran

Pima Course: EDC 291



Subject: ELA skills

Topic: Review/practice

Grade Level:  First


60 min

List of Materials, Handouts, Rubrics, and other Documents: [List everything you will need to teach this lesson here, then insert actual examples in the Appendices below the plan] Reader, media board, vocabulary chart



Purpose: This lesson will help students…[finish this statement using kid-friendly language] Read and understand a story, spell words using the segmenting of sounds.



Description of Plan

Content Standard

  • Choose one AZ standard and insert it with the number.
  • Insert the previous grade level standard and consider what is the same/different before proceeding.

RF.1.3e Read and/or write two-syllable words composed of two closed syllables, magic e syllables and/or r0controlled syllables.


RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions, orally and in writing, about “Big Day,” requiring literal recall and understanding of the details facts of a fiction text.

Learning Objective

  • Choose one level of complexity from Bloom’s RevisedTaxonomy
  • Write a concise objective that will demonstrate mastery of the standard
  • Objective must be ONE simple sentence with ONE verb from the Lesson Planning Guide

Bloom’s level: remembering RL.1.1

Objective: SWBAT answer questions orally about the story “The Big Day.” RL.1.1

Kid-Friendly (KF) Version: I can answer questions about the “The Big Day.” RL.1.1




Est # of Mins



Anticipatory Set

  • A quick "hook" to grab the student's attention
  • Activates prior knowledge of the objective
  • Requires active participation from 100% of learners
  • Students must interact with the KF OBJECTIVE (use red font & put in student column – choral reading is insufficient)

Teacher will (TW):

  1. TW have students dictate sound spellings to learned sounds.
  2. TW give students words to segment, blend and spell (garden, answer, goldfish, moonshine, darkness, sweeter).
  3. TW read objective out loud.

Students will (SW):

  1. SW use white boards on the floor to write down sound spellings.
  2. SW spell and segment words on their white boards.
  3. SW come to the front of the room and show the correct spelling.
  4. SW interact with the objective by Read it silently, then discuss what you think it means with a partner.

Est # of Mins





  • Direct instruction portion of lesson
  • Using effective and varied strategies, the teacher provides information andvocabularystudents will need in order to grasp the new concept, strategy, or skill.
  • Check for Understanding #1 (use green font & put in student column)

Teacher will:

  1. TW have students return to desk and pull out their reader.
  2. TW will review spellings with students
  3. TW will teach new vocabulary using vocab chart.
  4. TW remind students to follow along with finger.
  5. TW pass out monster reading fingers and remind students they are only used to follow along with reading. If they are used for anything else they will be lost.

Students will:

  1. Pull out reader and tell teacher how to find which page the story is located on.
  2. SW listen to new vocabulary and spellings.
  3. SW put magic monster reading finger on.
  4. Do you have any questions about the new vocabulary or words?

Est # of Mins




  • Teacher demonstrates and shows examples of what students are expected to do during Guided Practice
  • Check for Understanding #2 (use green font & put in student column)

Teacher will:

  1. TW have book up on the media board.
  2. TW call on students to read.
  3. TW ask discussion questions. Who is the narrator telling the story? Why were the helpers scraping the side of the cliff? What steps will the bone man and his helpers take to get the T Rex bones out from the cliff? The bone man says it will take a long time to finish all of their work. Why do you think it might take such a long time? What did Kate decide to name the T. rex?

Students will:

  1. SW follow along with monster fingers and read when called on.
  2. SW answer discussion questions about the reading.

Est # of Mins




Guided Practice

  • An opportunity for each student to demonstrate new learning by working through an activity or exercise with the teacher’s guidance. 
  • This is the heart of the lesson and should have the most minutes assigned to it

Teacher will:

  1. TW guide students through center activities. Word Work: worksheet and game, read to partner, work with teacher.
  2. TW ask if there are any questions regarding the centers.

Students will:

  1. SW follow direction of the centers.

Est # of Mins




  • ALL students must engage in brief closure activity to cement learning and optimize transfer. 
  • Do not introduce anything new during Closure.
  • Check for Understanding #3
  • Students must re-engage with the OBJECTIVE (use red font)

Students will:

  1. Show me 5 fingers if you fully understand the centers. Show me a fist if you do not.
  2. SW re-engage with the objective by telling their table mates 2 facts from the story. 
  3. EXIT ticket before centers. Write down 2 things you that happened in the story.




Independent Practice

  • AFTER proper closure, it is important to provide time for additional practice. It may be group or individual work in class or it might be homework.
  • Do not introduce anything new during Independent Practice.

Students will:

  1. Centers 



Checks for Understanding (CFU)

  • From above, list the three quick, informal strategies that students will do to show understanding of the objective.
  • Identify each type of CFU (e.g., self-check, verbal check, written check).

1. Do you have any questions about the new vocabulary or words?

2. SW answer discussion questions about the reading.

3. Show me 5 fingers if you fully understand the centers. Show me a fist if you do not.


Assessment Options

  • Describe how you will pre- and post-test students’ understanding of the objective before & after (not during) this lesson.
  • Make the pre- and post- assessment identical or nearly identical so you are comparing apples with apples.

Pre- and Post-Assessment of Objective before/after lesson:  The worksheet during centers is a good indication of how students are understanding new spellings and sounds.


Alternative Assessment Options for diverse learners: Help with the reading of the words on the worksheet with Karter.


Differentiation Options

Describe how you will reach diverse learners who need scaffolding or extra challenge by varying the: 

  • Content – WHAT they are learning
  • Process – HOW they are learning it
  • Product – WHAT they will produce to demonstrate mastery of the objective

Content – Scaffold: If Khloe is not pulled for services she will work on her letters in her work book during reading and will get computer time during centers.

Content – Challenge: During centers books of a higher level are assigned.


Process – Scaffold: Allow Karter to answer the literal questions if he volunteers.

Process – Challenge: No change.


Product – Scaffold: Read the work sheet to Karter during centers if he is not pulled for services.

Product – Challenge: Centers ask more detailed and thought provoking questions on book.

21st Century Learning

Describe how you will incorporate technology and the 4 Cs: 

  • Critical Thinking
  • Creativity
  • Collaboration
  • Communication

Note: Not all lessons need to incorporate all of these items. Also, collaboration & communication are not synonymous.  

Technology: over head.


Critical Thinking: discussion questions


Creativity: monster fingers for tracking reading.


Collaboration: talking with tablemates. 


Communication: Discussing story with class.




Name: Christina Moran

Pima Course:  EDC 291



Subject:  Math 

Topic:  place value

Grade Level: First

Duration: 60 min


List of Materials, Handouts, Rubrics, and other Documents: [List everything you will need to teach this lesson here, then insert actual examples in the Appendices below the plan]



Purpose: This lesson will help students count to 120 in unit form using only 10’s and ones and represent numbers to 120 on a place value chart.



Description of Plan

Content Standard

  • Choose one AZ standard and insert it with the number.
  • Insert the previous grade level standard and consider what is the same/different before proceeding.


1.NBT.2. Understands that the two digits of a two-digit number represents tens and ones.

Learning Objective

  • Choose one level of complexity from Bloom’s RevisedTaxonomy
  • Write a concise objective that will demonstrate mastery of the standard
  • Objective must be ONE simple sentence with ONE verb from the Lesson Planning Guide

Bloom’s Level: remembering

Objective: SWBAT I can count to 120 in unit form using only tens and ones.  I can represent numbers to 120 as tens and ones on the place value chart.

Kid-Friendly (KF) Version: I can to 120 the say ten way. I can write numbers as tens and ones on the place value chart.



Est # of Mins




Anticipatory Set

  • A quick "hook" to grab the student's attention
  • Activates prior knowledge of the objective
  • Requires active participation from 100% of learners
  • Students must interact with the KF OBJECTIVE (use red font & put in student column – choral reading is insufficient)

Teacher will (TW):

  1. TW start with application problem with students on white boards.
  2. TW flash numbers students will say give number one more one less, 10 more, 10 less


Students will (SW):

  1. SW complete application problem and share problem solving strategy with the class.
  2. SW whisper the numbers that are one more or one less, 10 more, 10 less
  3. SW interact with the objective by turning to their neighbor and explaining what the objective means or what they will be doing today.

Est # of Mins




  • Direct instruction portion of lesson
  • Using effective and varied strategies, the teacher provides information andvocabularystudents will need in order to grasp the new concept, strategy, or skill.
  • Check for Understanding #1 (use green font & put in student column)

Teacher will:

  1. TW have students count 10’s the say ten way.
  2. TW add ones to the chart
  3. TW rotate between having students count the regular way and the say ten way.


Students will:

  1. SW answer the questions the say ten way.
  2. SW will alternate between being called on and answering as a group
  3. SW fill in place value chart on smart board and or use white boards.
  4. Check for understanding by monitoring students answers and focusing on the students who struggle to see if they are getting it.

Est # of Mins



  • Teacher demonstrates and shows examples of what students are expected to do during Guided Practice
  • Check for Understanding #2 (use green font & put in student column)

Teacher will:


Students will:

  1. SW will solve problems on the board.

Est # of Mins




Guided Practice

  • An opportunity for each student to demonstrate new learning by working through an activity or exercise with the teacher’s guidance. 
  • This is the heart of the lesson and should have the most minutes assigned to it

Teacher will:

  1. TW will divide class up into the students who are totally getting it and those that are struggling.
  2. Students who get it will be sent to desks to complete problem set on their own and review with table mates. They will then complete the exit ticket and play math extension games.
  3. Students who are struggling will bring problem set to the floor and will work with teacher to complete.

Students will:

  1. SW who understand will work independently
  2. When students complete they will review with tablemates and play math extension games.

Est # of Mins




  • ALL students must engage in brief closure activity to cement learning and optimize transfer. 
  • Do not introduce anything new during Closure.
  • Check for Understanding #3
  • Students must re-engage with the OBJECTIVE (use red font)

Students will:

  1. SW complete exit ticket. 
  2. SW re-engage with the objective by coming back to the floor and couting the say 10 way from 100 to 120.
  3. Fist to five on how comfortable they feel with using tens and ones up to 120. 




Independent Practice

  • AFTER proper closure, it is important to provide time for additional practice. It may be group or individual work in class or it might be homework.
  • Do not introduce anything new during Independent Practice.

Students will:

  1. Homework 



Checks for Understanding (CFU)

  • From above, list the three quick, informal strategies that students will do to show understanding of the objective.
  • Identify each type of CFU (e.g., self-check, verbal check, written check).

1. Check for understanding by monitoring students answers and focusing on the students who struggle to see if they are getting it.

2.  SW will solve problems on the board.

3. Fist to five on how comfortable they feel with comparison concepts.

Assessment Options

  • Describe how you will pre- and post-test students’ understanding of the objective before & after (not during) this lesson.
  • Make the pre- and post- assessment identical or nearly identical so you are comparing apples with apples.

Pre- and Post-Assessment of Objective before/after lesson:  Pre assessment will be the previous days homework. I review it to see how well the background knowledge needed for todays lesson is understood. 


Alternative Assessment Options for diverse learners: They can all complete the homework.


Differentiation Options

Describe how you will reach diverse learners who need scaffolding or extra challenge by varying the: 

  • Content – WHAT they are learning
  • Process – HOW they are learning it
  • Product – WHAT they will produce to demonstrate mastery of the objective

Content – I have one student who will not be able to participate. I will have her work on her own math packet and then computer for imagine learning.


Process – Scaffold: Scaffold: Students who need support will work in small group directly with teacher.


Process – Challenge: Challenge: Independent workers can work through the material and move onto extension game.


Product – Scaffold: Product is the same with direct assistance from teacher to cement learning. 

Product – Challenge: same and game when finished.

21st Century Learning

Describe how you will incorporate technology and the 4 Cs: 

  • Critical Thinking
  • Creativity
  • Collaboration
  • Communication

Note: Not all lessons need to incorporate all of these items. Also, collaboration & communication are not synonymous.  

Technology: Power point, promeathean board.


Critical Thinking: explaining reasoning for why or how they know numbers are greater then or equal to.


Creativity: NA


Collaboration: working with tablemates to check answers.


Communication: NA




Name: Christina Moran

Date:  2/25/17

Pima Course: EDC 263

Pima Instructor: Maribel Lopez

Lesson Topic: Prefix/Suffix Game

Duration of Lesson: 15 min

Number of Learners: 27

Grade/Population: Second

Instructional ObjectiveMust use a verb that aligns with Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy and has at least two parts, learning and behavior.


Students will be able to choose which prefix or suffix changes the root word being held up.



Anticipatory SetDescribe how you will engage students and connect to their background knowledge. (1-2 mins)



Students have been learning about how prefixes and suffixes change the meaning of the word.  I am going to read some sentences with incorrect prefixes or suffixes that make the sentence into nonsense. The students will raise their hand to give me the correct suffix/prefix. The bottom of my paper will have the various prefixes/suffixes to choose from.




TeachingDescribe how the strategy/concept/skill will be introduced/modeled. (1-3 mins)



We will be playing a game in teams and winning team will get a prize. I will hold up a word and ask you to change it after I give the meaning. You will discuss in your groups and on my count hold up the affix that changes the word.

I will do a couple of words to demonstrate what I expect. 



Active Involvement: Describe what students will do in a short practice session to demonstrate understanding. (5-8 mins)





The students will be put into groups of 4-5. Each group will receive the same set of cards with different affixes/prefixes listed. I will hold up a card with a word on it and ask the groups to hold up the card that will change the word to the definition I request. For instance I will hold up the word “MOUTH.” The students will be asked to change this into something that means indicated and amount, “Mouthful.”




Closure: Describe how you will provide an opportunity for students to share work, ideas, review, etc. (1-2 mins)



Give all students a minute to think after I ask them to tell me what an affix is. Call on multiple students for a response.






Name: Christina Moran

Date: 4/4/2017

Pima Course: EDC 263

Pima Instructor: Maribel Lopez

Lesson Topic: Cause and Effect

Duration of Lesson: 20min

Number of Learners: 27

Grade/Population: second grade

Instructional ObjectiveMust use a verb that aligns with Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy and has at least two parts, learning and behavior.


Students will be able to identify cause and effect relationships.



Anticipatory SetDescribe how you will engage students and connect to their background knowledge. (1-2 mins)



I will walk up to the front of the class with my shoes untied. I will point this out to the students and ask them what might happen to me while I am walking if I do not tie my shoes. Students will raise their hands and be called on to share their thoughts.




TeachingDescribe how the strategy/concept/skill will be introduced/modeled. (1-3 mins)



I will bring out a poster board defining cause and effect with illustrations. We will discuss the meaning and I will go over some examples. I will make up other scenarios for the students to link the effect with the cause. For example: My dog runs out the front door, my child gets sneezed on. If the students are able to answer these there will not be need to for more examples. If they are struggling we will go over more cause and effect scenarios.





Active Involvement: Describe what students will do in a short practice session to demonstrate understanding. (5-8 mins)




Students will work in pairs. Each pair will receive a baggy with cause and effect cards. They will take these cards and glue them to a piece of paper linking the cause and effect.




Closure: Describe how you will provide an opportunity for students to share work, ideas, review, etc. (1-2 mins)


We will review the answers that the students came up with. I will also call on a student to make up a cause and have another student give me the effect.







Name: Christina Moran

Pima Course: EDC270


Dr. Eagleton

Subject: ELA

Topic: Compare and Contrast

Grade Level: 3


45 min

List of Materials, Handouts, Rubrics, and other Documents: [List everything you will need to teach this lesson here, then insert actual examples in the Appendices below the plan] Venn Diagram, reading example, chart of terms, http://lessonplanspage.com/oss10benefitsofhomework512-htm/, http://connectusfund.org/list-of-10-big-pros-and-cons-of-homework



Purpose: This lesson will help students compare and contrast the main details in texts.



Description of Plan

Content Standard

Choose ONE AZCCR standard and type it out along with the number

Compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic. (3.RI.9) 


Learning Objective

  • Choose ONE level of complexity from Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
  • Write ONE objective that will demonstrate mastery of the standard
  • Must be ONE simple sentence with ONE carefully chosen verb

Bloom’s Level (CHOOSE ONE): Applying

Objective: SWBAT identify the key details in two texts by using a venn diagram to compare and contrast them.

Kid-Friendly (KF) Version: I can use the main details from texts to compare and contrast.



Est # of Mins



Anticipatory Set

  • A quick "hook" to grab the student's attention
  • Activates prior knowledge of the objective
  • Requires active participation from 100% of learners
  • Students must interact with the KF OBJECTIVE in some way beyond chorally reading it

Teacher will (TW):

  1. Pretend I just came from a meeting regarding school uniforms. Give examples of compare and contrast.
  2. “The administrations believes school uniforms will bring together, whereas, the parents believe students need to express themselves as individuals”
  3. “The administration also believes school uniforms will cut down on students being tardy to school due to spending too much time getting ready, but parents believe the students will fight going to school more if they are forced to wear uniforms.”
  4. TW ask students to discuss with their shoulder buddy the different key points that were stated.
  5. TW state the objective of the lesson
  6. TW have students think of compare and contrast sentence regarding their morning yesterday and today. Tell to shoulder buddy.

Students will (SW):

  1. SW sit as a class and listen to the teacher.
  2. SW talk to their shoulder buddy about the main ideas stated.
  3. SW interact with the objective by coming up with a compare and contrast sentence about their morning today and yesterday. They will share this with their shoulder buddy.

Est # of Mins





  • Direct instruction portion of lesson
  • Using effective and varied strategies, the teacher provides information and vocabularystudents will need in order to grasp the new concept, strategy, or skill.
  • Check for understanding

Teacher will:

  1. TW present the terminology needed for comparing and contrasting.
  2. TW ask students to give examples using some of the terminology
  3. TW introduce the venn diagram

Students will:

  1. Students will popcorn read the terminology
  2. Students will give examples

Est # of Mins




  • Teacher demonstrates and shows examples of what students are expected to do during Guided Practice
  • Check for understanding

Teacher will:

  1. Using a venn diagram on the board teacher will work through it with the students using two short paragaphs on Elephants.
  2. Teacher will write down students answers

Students will:

  1. Students will read the two paragraphs and orally give answers to the teacher.

Est # of Mins




Guided Practice

  • An opportunity for each student to demonstrate new learning by working through an activity or exercise with the teacher’s guidance. 
  • This is the heart of the lesson and should have the most minutes assigned to it

Teacher will:

  1. Hand out two articles regarding the pros and cons of homework
  2. TW have students read through the articles and fill out the venn diagram

Students will:

  1. Read the articles
  2. Fill out the venn diagram

Est # of Mins




  • ALL students must engage in brief closure activity to cement learning and optimize transfer. 
  • Do not introduce anything new during Closure.
  • Check for Understanding.
  • Students must re-engage with the OBJECTIVE

Students will:

  1. SW share their venn diagram responses
  2. SW re-engage with the objective by creating full sentences using the proper terminology and the notes from their venn diagrams and orally saying them.




Independent Practice

  • AFTER proper closure, it is important to provide time for additional practice. It may be group or individual work in class or it might be homework.
  • Do not introduce anything new during Independent Practice.

Students will:

  1. Go home and write 6 complete comparing and contrasting sentences based on the venn diagram they completed.



Checks for Understanding

  • List at least THREE quick, informal strategies that you used to check understanding throughout the lesson.
  • Checks should be varied (i.e., self-check, verbal check, written check).

1. Exit tickets

2. Fist to five

3. Color cards on desks to indicated if they need help.

Assessment Options

  • Describe how you will pre- and post-test students’ understanding of the objective. These do not need to happen on the same day as the lesson.
  • Alternative options for diverse learners should also be provided

Pre-Assessment of Objective:  Students orally answering the compare contrast question during teacher modeling.


Post-Assessment of Objective: Completion of the 6 compare and contrast sentences.


Alternative Assessment Options: Give an oral presentation comparing and contrasting the two articles.


Differentiation Options

Describe how you will reach diverse learners who need scaffolding or extra challenge by varying the: 

  • Content – WHAT they are learning
  • Process – HOW they are learning it
  • Product – WHAT they will produce to demonstrate mastery of the objective

Content – Scaffold: Easier articles.

Content – Challenge: More complicated articles


Process – Scaffold: Supply more assistance. Have students color code the articles for similarities and differences.

Process – Challenge: Supply more detail and evidence with the comparing and contrasting.


Product – Scaffold: Students only complete 3 sentences.

Product – Challenge: Write a short argument in favor or against on of the articles using the text as evidence.


21st Century Learning

Describe how you will incorporate technology and/or the 4 Cs: 

  • Critical Thinking
  • Creativity
  • Collaboration
  • Communication

Technology: Overhead, smart board for venn diagram


Critical Thinking: analyzing articles for comparing and contrasting


Creativity: NA


Collaboration: NA


Communication: Class contributing by answering questions.




Grade Level: First grade

AZCCR Math Standards

Lesson 1

1.OA.A.1 Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.

Lesson 2

1.OA.A.2. Solve word problems that call for addition of three whole numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.

Lesson 3

1.OA.B.3.Apply properties of operations as strategies to add. Examples: If 8 + 3 = 11 is known, then 3 + 8 = 11 is also known. (Commutative property of addition.) To add 2 + 6 + 4, the second two numbers can be added to make a ten, so 2 + 6 + 4 = 2 + 10 = 12. (Associative property of addition.) (Students need not use formal terms for these properties.)

Lesson 4

1.OA.B.3.Apply properties of operations as strategies to add. Examples: If 8 + 3 = 11 is known, then 3 + 8 = 11 is also known. (Commutative property of addition.) To add 2 + 6 + 4, the second two numbers can be added to make a ten, so 2 + 6 + 4 = 2 + 10 = 12. (Associative property of addition.) (Students need not use formal terms for these properties.)


Lesson 5

1.OA.B.3. Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract. Identity property of addition and subtraction. 

Key Terms

  • addition
  • subtraction
  •  sum
  •  compare
  •  parts
  •  equation
  •  unknown
  • equal
  • place value
  • put together
  • difference
  • compatible numbers
  • associative property
  • commutative property
  • identity property

Requisite Knowledge:

  • Addition within 20
  • Subtraction within 20
  • Ones and tens place value
  • Compatible numbers

Knowledge Gained from Unit:

  • The ability to solve word problems
  • Interpret word problems into a solvable equation
  • The ability to add 3 whole numbers
  • Mentally add numbers below 20
  • Know and understand properties of addition
  • Know and understand properties of subtraction

Description of what students will be able to know and do:

            At the end of this unit students will be able to solve addition and subtraction word problems. The students will use objects to represent the problems and than form the equations. Students will be able to define what the unknown in a problem is. Students will also gain the ability to add three whole numbers together. Students will be able to add numbers below 20 mentally using various strategies. Students will be able to explain the properties of addition and subtraction. 


Instructional Sequence:

Day 1:

Standard:1.OA.A.1. Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.

ObjectiveStudents will be able tomake use of counting cubes to solve word problems.

Pedagogical Strategies

  • Hands on with use of math counters
  • Group problem solve
  • Class discussion
  • Teacher led instruction

Students will: This lesson will begin with the teacher having the students problem solve at their desk and in small groups. The students will than participate in a class discussion where they come up to the board and work out problems. Students will work at their desks using manipulatives to solve problems.

Day 2:

Standard:1.OA.A.2. Solve word problems that call for addition of three whole numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. 

ObjectiveStudents will be able to solve word problems of adding three whole numbers whose sum is less than or equal to 20.

Pedagogical Strategies:

-           Group co-operation/work

-           Class discussion

-           Teacher led instruction

-           Hands on with manipulative

Students will:Students will work in small table groups to solve problems. Students will do sample problems with the teacher before doing their own at their desks. 

Day 3

Standard: 1.OA.B.3. Apply properties of operations as strategies to add. Examples: If 8 + 3 = 11 is known, then 3 + 8 = 11 is also known. (Commutative property of addition.) To add 2 + 6 + 4, the second two numbers can be added to make a ten, so 2 + 6 + 4 = 2 + 10 = 12. (Associative property of addition.) (Students need not use formal terms for these properties.) 

Objective:Students will be able to select the correct addition numbers to add up to the given sum.

Pedagogical Strategies:

  • class discussion
  • teacher led instruction
  • computer game

Students will: Students will play a video game to gain knowledge of addition facts and they will get practice with mental math. The students will discuss any patters they see with addition.

Day 4:1.OA.B.3.Apply properties of operations as strategies to add. Examples: If 8 + 3 = 11 is known, then 3 + 8 = 11 is also known. (Commutative property of addition.) To add 2 + 6 + 4, the second two numbers can be added to make a ten, so 2 + 6 + 4 = 2 + 10 = 12. (Associative property of addition.) (Students need not use formal terms for these properties.)

Objective:Students will be able to plan a game in small groups for their classmates to play.

Pedagogical Strategies

  • Group work
  • Student led teaching

Students will:Students will work in small groups to plan a math game lesson using the properties of addition that they have learned. The students will than pass the game off to other members of the class. 

Lesson 5:  1.OA.B.3.Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract, identity property of addition and subtraction.

Objective:Students will be able to find the solutions to math subtraction problems using a chosen strategy.

Pedagogical Strategies:

  • Class discussion
  • Teach led instruction
  • Hands on using manipulatives

Students Will: Students will solve math subtraction problems on their own before any instruction is given. Students will demonstrate how they solved the problems and the methods they used. They will create a chart and write down the patterns that they noticed.